A. Materials Required To Make Ginger Cake Foil Mede Namely:
1. = 200 grams of wheat flour
2. butter = 150 grams
3. = 100 grams cornstarch
4. ginger powder = 3 teaspoons
5. cinnamon powder = half teaspoon
6. palm sugar = 100 grams
7. cashews that have been cut in half = 100 grams
8. chicken egg yolk = 1 point
9. baking powder = half teaspoon
B. Cooking Method Guide Foil Cake Ginger Mede gradually Namely:
1. meizena flour, wheat tpung, backing powder, cinnamon powder and ginger powder and mix evenly mixed and then sifted
2. whipped butter and palm sugar-whipped and then enter the chicken egg yolk and beat again until smooth
3. join with the flour mixture and stir again until completely flat
4. dough formed a small round object
5. place on a baking sheet that has been buttered and dusted with flour
6. with a rounded tablespoon of dough balls earlier in pipihkan
7. oles had flattened dough with egg yolk and put pieces of cashew nuts in the center
8. enter into a hot oven about 25 minutes or until cooked
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