* 4 cups self - raising flour
* 1 spoon baking powder
* 5 eggs
* 200 gr strained or sheep's yoghourt
* 1 pk margarine (substitute for butter) or butter
* 1/2 kg fetacheese (grated) or spicy kefalotyri (cut in small pieces)
* Sesame
* 2 spoons oil
Beat the eggs with the yoghurt in a bowl. Add the baking powder. Melt the butter and add into the bowl. Add the cheese and the flour and work the dough with your hands until it becomes soft and can easily be detached from your hands. If ready add 2 spoons of oil. Make 2 or 3 even balls of dough and shape into breads. Optionally dredge sesame over the breads and bake for 50 minutes in 200 C.