Saturday, 24 July 2010

Pizza recipe

Skin Pizza:
350 g all-purpose flour
175 ml water
10 ml extra virgin olive oil
5 g instant yeast
4 g salt
300 g tomato sauce
100 g cherry tomatoes, halved
400 g mozzarella cheese, shaved
200 g of various mushroom saute
120 g beef sausage, thinly sliced
120 g of spicy salami, cut into pieces


* Skin: Mix the flour with the yeast and stir it with water and olive oil until blended.
* Add salt, stirring until smooth.
* Leave it for 7 menit.Bentuk dough into 4 pieces @ sphere weighing 180 grammes.
* Arrange in a container, cover with a damp cloth or plastic.
* Leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
* Remove from the refrigerator. Place on a surface that has been dusted with flour.
* Tap-tap the surface of the dough with your fingertips while pull up to a thin round. diameter 30 cm.
* Brush surface of dough with tomato sauce pizza with melingkat movement until blended.
* Sprinkle with topping ingredients until blended.
* Drizzle with a little olive oil.
* Bake in 350 C oven pans for 5 minutes until puffed and browned.
* Remove and serve warm.